
Jason Calderon ยท Portfolio

Web Development Projects using HTML5 and CSS3

My Hobbies Page
This is a page dedicated to my particular hobbies and other things I enjoy doing in my spare time.
Unit A: HTML Basics
In this Unit I was able to define a project plan, create wireframes/storyboard, create HTML document, set up the document head and body, add text to a web page, add a comment to a web document, preview the web page on a desktop computer, configure web server software, finally preview the web page on mobile devices.
Unit B: HTML Structure
In this Unit I was able to evalute web accessibility standards, incorporate attributes, implement the div element, add HTML5 semantic elements, use special characters, specify the viewport, debug HTML code, validate HTML code, and finally create an XHTML document.
Unit C: CSS Basics
In this Unit I was able to asses style rules, create an embedded style sheet, implement an ID selector, implement a class selector, use multiple selectors, create an external style sheet, link to an external style sheet, add a comment to a style sheet, and finally debug and validate CSS code.
Unit C Challenge 1: More on CSS
This was a challenge presented to use the first of many that hammered in our abilities and knowledge we gained in Unit C.
Unit D: Element Layout with CSS
In this Unit I was able to assess the CSS box model, set element width and borders, set margins and padding, align elements with float, control page flow with clear, implement fixed positioning, implement relative positioning, control stacking order, and implement absolute positioning.
HTML Structure and CSS Layout Review: Project 1 and Project 2
This was a practice consisting of two assignments which hammered in the concepts we learned in Unit D.
Unit E: Formatting Text with CSS
In this Unit I was able to assess web fonts, declare a font family, use a custom font, declare font size and line height, implement bold and italics, style pseudo-elements, specify hex and RGB colors, add shadows, and finally create a media query.
Unit F: Links
In this Unit I was able to, understand links, create relative links, create absolute links, change CSS display type, style links with a pseudo-class, style multiple link states, open links in new tabs, link within a document, and finally aid navigational accessibility.
Unit G: Images
In this Unit I was able to, evalute image file types, insert images, insert a background image, mark images as figures, create a figure caption, use images as links, create an image map, define additional hotspots, and finally add a favicon and touch icons.
Unit H: Lists and Tables
In this Unit I was able to, create an ordered list, create an unordered list, create a description list, create a nav bar using a list, insert a table, debug tables, span columns and rows, format a table with CSS, and finally apply a table-like structure to other elements.
Unit I: Responsive Design
In this Unit I was able to, assess responsive design, construct a multipart media query, test layouts with an emulator, add a column with a media query, create a widescreen layout, create responsive navigation, implement adaptive content, and use progessive enhancement.
Unit J: Creating and Processing Web Forms
In this Unit I was able to, design a form, create a form, create text fields, customize text fields, create check boxes, create option buttons, add drop-down menus, and enable form submission.
Acme Web Design
In this Unit I was required to use HTML and CSS in order to create a professional looking three-page website. Building on past concepts I was able to exercise the things I had learned previously in order to accomplish this professional looking website.